PGZ companies signed an agreement on strategic cooperation with companies from the KGHM Capital Group. The agreement specifies possible areas of joint activities, including: in the implementation of research and development, production and commercial projects. The ammunition and missile area was identified as a priority.
The declaration of cooperation between PGZ and the copper giant is a response to the current geopolitical situation and the dynamics of orders in the arms area, including establishing of the government program - National Ammunition Reserve. The signatories of the agreement are KGHM and PGZ S.A., as leaders of their Capital Groups, while cooperation will take place between subsidiaries whose activities demonstrate such potential.
The parties to the contract from the PGZ Group are the following companies: PGZ S.A., MESKO S.A., Zakłady Metalowe Dezamet S.A., Zakład Produkcji Specjalnej Gamrat sp. z o. o., Zakłady Chemiczne Nitro–Chem S.A., Bydgoskie Zakłady Elektromechaniczne Belma S.A.
On the KGHM side: KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., Centrozłom Wrocław S.A., Walcownia Metali Nieżelaznych "ŁABĘDY" S.A., KGHM Metraco S.A., NITROERG S.A. and KGHM ZANAM S.A.