Management Board

Renata Gruszczyńska

Renata Gruszczyńska is a manager with 20 years of experience in government and local administration in the field of management, accounting, implementation of strategic plans and investment projects.
She held managerial positions in administrative as well as in uniformed services, including the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Road Transport in Kielce. In years 2022-2024, she was President of the Management Board of the Regional Green and Municipal Services Company in Kielce.
Previously, from September 2021 to January 2022, she was the President of the Management Board of Municipal Public Transport Service Company in Kielce (MPK sp. z o.o.).
She completed her master's degree program in management, marketing, accounting, and controlling at the Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce, and her postgraduate studies in accounting and finance at the Kielce University of Technology. She has also studied energy at the Higher School of Vocational Education in Wroclaw, transport and logistics at the Higher School of Commerce in Kielce and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) management studies at the Catholic University of Lublin.
She was a lecturer at the Jan Kochanowski University and the Higher School of Commerce in Kielce, Tarnobrzeg Branch. Since the year 2022, she has been a member of the BCC, an international member organization of the European Economic and Social Committee, an institution giving opinions to the European Commission, and a member of the Regional Labour Market Council.
In years 2019-2022, she was a soldier of 10th Świętokrzyska Territorial Defence Brigade. She is interested in motorization, shooting practice and security.

Marcin Ożóg

Employees’ representative on MESKO Board of Directors. He has been MESKO employee since 1999. Lately he has held the position of Deputy Director of Small and Medium Caliber Ammunition Division, earlier he was Marketing Manager and Manager in Company Strategy Department.
He graduated from the Faculty of Management and Marketing at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and the Faculty of Chemical Technology at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Moreover, he is a graduate of the School of Management and Banking in Cracow from the Faculty of the Psychology of Impact and Persuasive Communication in Business and Leadership. He has passed the state examination for members of supervisory boards in State-Owned Companies.
He has extensive experience in the field of Management and in managing projects.
From June 17 to July 10, 2024 was acting President of the Management Board of MESKO S.A.

Katarzyna Lipińska

Katarzyna Lipińska is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology. She obtained her doctorate in technical sciences in 2007 at the Central Mining Institute - National Research Institute in Katowice.
Since the beginning of her professional career she has been associated with the defense industry. She began her professional career in 1998 as a researcher at the Institute of Industrial Organic Chemistry (IPO).
Since 2005, she has been working at MESKO S.A.
She has extensive experience conducting, supervising, and implementing research and development projects, as well as long-term interdisciplinary international programs.
An active representative of industry in expert-level advisory groups at the Polish Committee for Standardization, the European Committee for Standardization, the European Defence Agency and the NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NATO NIAG).
In 2004, she was awarded the Bronze Medal of Merit for National Defence.

Krzysztof Marwicki

Krzysztof Marwicki graduated from Master's studies at the Faculty of Management and Administration (in the field of Management and Marketing). He has completed his postgraduate studies Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Warsaw School of Management and the Apsley Business School in London. Furthermore, he graduated postgraduate studies in Accounting and Tax Regulations in the European Union and postgraduate studies in the Eurozone Functioning Mechanisms, organized and conducted by the National Bank of Poland.
He holds a course for candidates for Membership in the Supervisory Boards of companies with the participation of the State Treasury.
For many years, he held managerial positions in the area of financial control at the Department of Regional Control of the Chamber of Auditors in Kielce and at the Financial Control Department of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Marshal's Office.
He has extensive experience in managing and supervising various types of institutions, including entities under the Commercial Companies Code.