The Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, in the presence of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, approved further executive agreements for the acquisition of Narew short-range anti-aircraft missile systems. The subject of two agreements concluded between the State Treasury - Armament Agency and the PGZ-NAREW Consortium composed of: PGZ S.A. (leader), Huta Stalowa Wola S.A., Jelcz Sp. z o.o., MESKO S.A., Ośrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Centrum Techniki Morskiej S.A., PCO S.A., PIT-Radwar S.A., Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr 1 S.A., Wojskowe Zakłady Uzbrojenia S.A., Wojskowe Zakłady Elektroniczne S.A. and Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów S.A. is the delivery of key elements of the NAREW short-range anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense system, i.e. as part of the first agreement - over 1,000 CAMM-ER missiles and as part of the second one - nearly 140 rocket launchers adapted to cooperate with IBCS. Technology transfer was also contracted, ensuring the production of both missiles and launchers in Poland, as well as a wide training and logistics package. The contracts provide for deliveries of the said elements of Narew battery sets from 2027 to 2035.